Definitely one of the best teachers I’ve ever encountered. She was exceptional in teaching not only figures, but also the principles of how these figures are mere creative insertions in the context of other basic figures
Erika, Vancouver
I feel I learned more than all the other classes together the last year. Hope to see you and work with you again when you're back! Judith Wellner
That was an AWESOME followers' technique class, Rachel. I loved those planeo-enrosque-caracia-lapiz exercises. And you provide such perfect examples it is difficult to forget!
Sherman, San Francisco
Thanks to all for a delightful weekend with Pablo Veron & Rachel Greenberg in Chicago! Pablo and Rachel created a special harmony amongst themselves and the rest of the group.
Katia, Maria, Burak, Shafqat - Tango Eclectique, Chicago
You are a modern master of dance who has arrived at your own style. You fuse the long graceful linearity of traditional salon with some aspects of modern nuevo, but more importantly; you inject an originality that it is completely your own. this is the unique 'Rachel style', Doug, SF
We've taken lessons from everyone and I have to say your explanation of the walk was the clearest I've ever seen. Bob Lansburg, SF
Thank you for the wonderful technique workshop Rachel! It was so great getting such specific and detailed feedback. Nicole Adams, Seattle
Many good dancers don't really know how to teach well... but, you are so great! I love your teaching technique. Sylvie Mytienne, DC
Thank you so much for arranging the workshops with Rachel Greenberg. She is an amazing instructor who provided great information on the connection between the man and woman and key tips to improve lead and follow skills, Peter and Cathy Knowlton, Vancouver
There was clear explanation, ample time to drill, and lots of individual feedback to everyone. She has cast a spell upon the entire Bay Area tango community. Anne Fong Ma, San Francisco
Other dancers are finding out what some of us already know about you-- Your teaching is wonderful. Your talent in teaching is unquestioned. One of the best I've ever seen, Randy Cervantes, San Francisco
I am the one who danced with you at the end of the class on complicated back sacadas, Sunday. I just wanted to thank you for the class. I really enjoyed it, especially the exercises :)
Yuriy Pylypchuk, DC
Thank you for an excellent learning experience in your "Ladies Technique" workshop this afternoon!
Marc Sfqueertanguero
I have been looking for a Tango teacher like u since I started this dance, just like my Latin teacher u targeted the first step and nailed it down to everywhere till the student gets it. I appreciated u worked really hard for me, u take responsibility and your best effort to teach each step in every minute of the lesson even I may have your teaching the only and the last time. I am really impressed that u are a true teacher, professional and nice human being. thanks again.
Sola, NY
I loved the whole Follower series! And learned so much, Victoria Brown, NY
I enjoyed tremendously the two dance performances that you did respectively at Roko Milonga last Sunday and the other one at Triangulo last Tuesday. We certainly would love to have your visit in Miami. Look forward to welcome you in Miami, Joseph Philoxy, Miami
I enjoyed your classes very much on Saturday. Very nice meeting you -- you are a beautiful dancer. Thanks! Diane Baldessari, NY
Though the only other Men's Technique classes I've observed (I never physically participate) have been in Buenos Aires and were taught by men, I believe this was an excellent workshop. The subject matter was clearly and methodically broken down into bite-size pieces, and there was ample time to drill so that it wasn't completely overwhelming from an intellectual or physiokinetic/biomechanic/muscle memory perspective. This set of workshops was truly amazing, fantastic, and generously timed at 90 minutes each, so an excellent bang for the buck. Maestra was supportive and encouraging of all the students' efforts, and gave ample individual attention. Maestra leaves for Nueva York on Thursday, and then South America after that. How blessed we are in the San Francisco Bay Area, because she returns with more workshops in October 2010. Anne Fong Ma, SF
You are a fabulous teacher! Deborah Fluk Goldberg, Philadelphia
La verdad es que me da mucha alegria ver lo lindo que te queda el ser alta y estilizada y como manejas tu espacio y femeneidad. me intereso muchisimo ver el trabajo que tenes en tu cuerpo, felicitaciones! Valeria Solomonoff, NY
"Thank you, Rachel! It was wonderful as always! Can not wait until your next series of workshops!" Natasha Dikareva , SF
I don't think there are enough words to "Thank You"... all my followers love Love LOVE your moves from the pre-milonga classes. Once I've perfected the lead---thanks to you letting me feel that lead---it's like a magical thing, especially when done during that perfect phrase in a song. I always tell them it the Rachel moves. ;-) Sherman, SF
We so much enjoyed your visit with us in Boston. It was wonderful to get to know you and to have you stay with us. The workshop was very successful and working with you a special pleasure. i very much look forward to sponsoring your next trip to Boston! Mary Ellen, Boston
Seems like beauty, grace, great dance and teaching skills can indeed coexist in the same person :) Dan, NY